Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cloudy Skies...

Time for a Daily Observation!!

I looove taking pictures of sunsets :) It is my favorite thing to capture with my camera. I realized the other day that the most beautiful sunsets I have seen are the ones with clouds...
When you throw in a few clouds, the sky turns fiery colors of orange, pink, and purple :)

I decided to apply this thought to life in general. I realized that without hardships and "Storms" in life, we wouldn't be able to appriciate the good things in life.

 Without the is kinda like this:

Granted the sky is still beautiful, but take a look at how these next picutres look so much more glorious when a few clouds are thrown into the mix....

You see, the challenges and struggles that we are faced in life are there for a reason. They help us become the person that God sees in us. A person that we may not be able to see right this minute, but through time...We can become glorious! Our trials make us more beautiful :) They help us become strong. They give us the experiences we need to help others come to recognize their beauty. 

Please remember to be patient through the storms...they create beautiful sunsets!!

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