What is this Blog About Anyways?!

I am a whopping 18 years old! And I start college at BYUI September 15th, less than a month! I am 5th child out of 8 and I love them all :) I also have 5 (plus one on the way) nieces and nephews :) And I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints aka a Mormon :)

What Can You expect to read about in my Blog?!

Great question..haha. Anything and everything! I may post my "Daily Observations", something random that happened to me that day, or just plain silliness!! Also, If there is anything I can do in life it would be to inspire others to LIVE their own dreams, just as I am Learning to LIVE mine. So I will share with you the lessons I have learned, the adventures I go on, and tips on how to get going in life :) From the eyes of an 18 year old. But boy have I learned a LOT!!

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