Monday, August 25, 2014

Life is Hard...

Have you ever noticed how just when you finally feel like you are out of the slumps and you get so pumped up about life, that Life decides to throw things at you?

Ya.....Life is kinda being mean right now. *sigh* I did not end up running on Wednesday OR Friday. :/ That was pretty disapointing. I must confess that I let tiredness run my life. I haven't been sleeping well. last night I wasn't able to fall asleep until around 4 am, bleck!

What to do, what to do?...I don't like living in a slump. Its so...unhappy! I love this quote by a famous LDS speaker and comedian, John Bytheway. He said, "If Life were wouldn't be hard!" So true! I have to keep reminding myself that the reason Life is hard is for us to learn. There really would be no point if Life were easy....well it would just be easy! I know we all yearn for an easy day, which I hope everyone gets at least once a month, at LEAST!

What can we do to get out of slumps?!

Here are 4 ideas to start...

1. Go out and SERVE!- 

I find that when I have been stuck in a slump for a while, if I stop and ponder I will realize that I have not gone out and served for a while. I love to randomly knock on a door and ask if I can weed that person's garden or wash their dishes. Even if they decline, I can bet you it made them smile and...chances are you are smiling too :) But still, go knock on another door till they let you serve them, it is worth it.

2. Do something you love!-

Are you an artist or musician? Go start a painting or play a lively tune! Do you love to pamper yourself? Take a bubble bath! Are you an outdoorsy type of fellow? Have a picnic and hike in the outdoors. Maybe you simply enjo9y a good book or paintin your nails. I don't care what your passion is, JUST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ONE! Dis cover what you LOVE and HAVE FUN! :)

3. Spend time with Personal Development-

Make working out a priority: I find that I am more at peace with myself when I am keeping healthy and inshape. (If you need any help with that, visit my other page about Herbalife Wellness). Another part of Personal Improvment is the mental side. Learn something new. Read a personal development book. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is always a good one! If you desire, further develop your relationship with God and Christ (or whatever you believe in as your Divine Deity). Take time to study and pray.

4. Take time to Listen to a Family member or Friend-

Have you ever just listened as a child told you their fears and dreams? Their concerns and what makes them happy? I find it does wonders for the soul when one can listen to those around them without trying to FIX anything, just being there for them is enough. Take time to develop a stronger realationship with your friends. They can greatly add to the light in your life :) This is my sister and cousin after we ran a 5k Color run together :) That was a bonding experience for sure!

There you have it! Now Let me know if you have a fun experience with these ideas and post them in the comments! Share Light :)

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