Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lets Discuss Simple Things...

This is a Sunflower!

I was doing some yard work for a wonderful Lady today. I was trimming her bushes and also her rose bush (beware! they like to bite..) when I saw this absolutely lovely sunflower! 

She had not intentionally planted sunflowers in her garden but here they were. Where did they come from? Well it just so happens that she puts all sorts of seeds in bird feeders all around her home and this little guy must have fallen out of the feeder. So, he decided to grow. 

I feel like sunflowers are one of the most common flowers used in metaphors about life but I am going to use him again anyways :) He wasn't supposed to grow tall and beautiful; his purpose was to feed the birds. He didn't let that stop him though...He bloomed where he was (accidentally) planted.

 What does this mean for us?

We are all planted in different soils. Some more rocky than others. And sometimes in life, people may try to tell you that you are not supposed to grow into a tall, beautiful sunflower...What do they know?!!
They are not all-knowing creatures with a life calling of ruling over you. No one but God and Yourself should have a say as to who you are "supposed" to be. If it is your desire to grow tall and share your talents and gifts with others, don't let people put you down and try to discourage you. Grow where you are planted DESPITE the rain and the hail. Maybe even a few avalanches... 

Just something to think on :)

Now! Another thought for the day...dun Dun DUNN!!

This is what the sky looked like as I drove home from working. My first thought was, "The sky is chasing me!!!" hahaha Very epic sounding, don't you think?
So my thought is, Enjoy the small things in life! You have heard it a million times but It is soo true! When you start to notice the cool looking clouds, the dandelion growing in the grass, or the tree that happens to have cool looking branches, Life all-of-the-sudden gets happier. You learn that life is a beautiful, glorious thing, instead of a dreaded Monday or Tuesday. I find that people will look at me strangely but who cares?! I'm having fun and enjoying life so It doesn't matter what they think. Life is too glorious not to notice the small things.

Take a look around..What do you SEE?

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