Monday, August 18, 2014

Went On a Run Today...

I Ran 3 Miles Today!

With my new view of life I decided that I want to run 5ks and maybe even move up to 10ks eventually. So this involves training! Today was my first day with my new was quite entertaining! 

Here's what I'm trying: Monday is my "Maintenance" Run, a nice easy 2 to 3 mile run. Wednesday is my "Sprints" Day; Sprint, jog, sprint, jog...for about a mile or in the words of a marathon runner I met, "until you want to throw up". This will help improve my speed. And then lastly Friday is my "Distance" run. Run until I can't anymore. I am actually borrowing this routine from the marathon runner I met at the seminar. But I have learned that it is ok to borrow ideas from those with more experience, because you learn too and you can start improving! 

Now...During my run, my knees started hurting quite terribly, same with my ankles and I got this sharp pain in my left shoulder. In addition to that, my feet started killing me half way through because I don't have the right running shoes for my feet.

What do I do?!!! It hurts! A lot! 

So I start giving myself a pep talk. Kind of like the CDs you listen to that start yelling at you telling you not to quit. So that's what I did, I told myself that pain is good because that is when you start to grow, when it hurts, you have the opportunity to heal. I told myself that I love running, that I run because I can, because I deserve to do things I love because I am human and because I am ME! I told myself how proud I am of me that I'm running and that I love me. It was actually quite inspirational :) I was imagining myself giving this speech to a huge crowd of people, inspiring them to never give up! It was exciting to visualize myself doing this because that is actually one of my dreams in life to become an inspirational speaker...
This is one of my favorite quotes. I love archery so this stands out to me :) When Life is pulling you back, get ready for the take off and SOAR!!! 
Maybe next week on my maintenance run I will record myself giving this little pep talk and show all you guys. It could be entertaining haha. 

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