Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hello! I would love to share a little story with you about how I decided to start my blog. I never considered doing fact, technology hasn't always been my best subject ;)

 To start off, I went on a Student Ambassador trip to the British Isles in July of this year. I had an incredible time and I loved every minute of it. During my trip I learned a very important lesson. Its called Living Life Full On. I did not coin that phrase, actually I'm borrowing it from a program we experienced on my trip. It was our second day in Wales and we headed to our Full On experience day. We spent most of that day learning how to live life Full On, by giving life everything we had. 100% of us. The Full On leaders that day taught us that we have the power to tell our brains we can do anything! If we believe in ourselves, anything we set our minds to is possible. We ended that day by repelling off the Penryn Castle tower. An 80 ft. tower...on a castle. Oh yes! It was terrifying! But because I believed in myself and the Full On Crew kept encouraging us, we did it! So this was the first experience. Learning to live life Full On.
Now two days ago actually, I went to a self improvement seminar called Humans Being More. It was held at the gorgeous Treasure Mountain Scout Camp right next to the stunning Teton Mountains. For two days we focused on learning about ourselves, discovering our dreams, and learning how to take action and stick to our goals that we set. We learned how to be successful in Life. Now, during this seminar I decided a couple things. First, that I am starting my business on (or before) August 31, 2014. Second, that I am ready to live my dreams just because I CAN! Because We are Human Beings, and We deserve to live our dreams!
Now lastly, this was actually after the seminar came to a close while I was sitting at dinner, but I was thinking about what I was going to accomplish in the next year and this thought pricked my mind: "I am going to start a blog". So out of the blue! But I feel like I am supposed to write this blog, for whatever reason, God wants me to do a blog. So here I am!


  1. Hey, bare with me as I am still figuring out the whole tech stuff. So if I ever post a blank post, or a repeat....I've almost got the hang of it! haha

  2. Well… I only saw the blog today but I think it's a Wonderful idea! As I read a lot of the posts, I thought "Wow! I wish I was that good with words. I wish I could do something like this!" Having read some of the posts, I can tell that they've been inspired comments. Anyway… it's a grand idea, and you do amazing at it. maybe I'll do one sometime… eventually… if I get around to it :)
