Sunday, September 7, 2014

Faith is an Anchor

Ether Chapter 12 (From the Book of Mormon)

The prophet Moroni talks a bit about faith. Moroni starts in verse 6 where he says that the people would not listen to the prophets because they "saw them not". Meaning that they didn't believe the warnings because they didn't see the signs. They refused to believe because they did not have faith.

Faith is things hoped for and not seen. Moroni says we recieve no witness till AFTER the trial of our faith. If we have Faith that Christ will help us through a trial, we have to be willing to go through it. Sometimes we are allowed to suffer for a time, till our faith is tried and then Christ will step in and help us.

If we need an answer to a prayer, we have to show our faith by praying and actively seeking answers. It says in Ether 12:4 that Faith is an anchor, that keeps us steady in the storms. Faith brings hope, and when there is hope there is light. Then with that light we are able to see past the storm clouds into our Loving Heavenly Father's eyes. He is watching us, He knows us, and He wants to help. By showing our faith, we tell Him that we are ready to rely on Him. That we trust Him.

Verse 18 Says that First, we need to believe in the Son of God. Believe in Him and He will make Himself manifest in your life. In Alma 32 verse 27, Alma the Prophet teaches that if your faith is still weak and small, if you only have the DESIRE to believe, that is enough. Let your desire grow till it becomes faith and then Christ will teach you and support you as you go through life.

The seed is your desire. It really wants to grow into faith but it's kind of scared...So it gently pokes its tiny head out of the soil. It feels the Light and receives the water and it shoots up into the world. It has grown into Faith. Now if we keep feeding this little sprout, keep taking care of it so it doesn't wither, it will grow stronger and stronger till one KNOW. You not only Believe in Christ, but you KNOW He is there and He Loves YOU! 

You have become a beautiful Tree. And Heavenly Father and Christ know your struggles and know about your journey to grow your faith. They love you! Isn't that wonderful?! So please, don't be afraid to grow your faith. Take a leap and Christ will catch you! I promise. I know He is real and He is waiting to hear from YOU, so he can help you. I know that He is there.

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