Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Christ is the 'Author and Finisher of my faith'1. The one who carries me when I can't seem to walk any longer...He is there! Do you know how much this means to me? It means the world...

He knows me perfectly.
He knows what I need to go through in Life to help me grow...
He knows that I struggle, He Loves me anyway...
Sometimes He lets me struggle, so that I can come out on top
So I can believe and TRUST in Him!

He is Perfect.
Even if the whole world is a mess, He is my Anchor!
My Rock.
My Brother,
My Friend,
My Merciful Savior...

I couldn't have gotten here without Him.
Where is Here?
Me. Faith. Alive. Love. Living. Family. Friends. Trials...
Everything I go through, and experience is Here.
It makes Me who I am!

He is the Finisher of my Faith.
In Him will I never doubt,
Because He is PERFECT!
I know in Him I can Trust.
Thank Goodness that He is there...
For Everyone.

Even You.
He will always be there, Waiting for you to reach out
And He will grab your hand.
Use a particle of Faith if you need to,
And reach out.
Catch His hand and let Him Carry YOU.

He Loves You...He Loves Me...And He is There.
Of This I know.

1.  Moroni 6:4


  1. Wow! Love it. I'd like to say more but all I can really think to say it "Amen!"

  2. Thanks Tanner, that means a lot :)
