Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Day!

I love random acts of Kindness! :) Today My Mother and I spent the day packing up my room and then shopping for my college supplies. It was very exciting for me to buy my very own blender and bowl set and dishtowels! I felt very grown up ;)
Well during the course of the day we got to experience happy moments! YAY!!!

1. Coincidentally we stopped at a Bank that we never go to, at a time that we were not planning on and there, walking out were two friends that I actually had a delivery of clothes for! We were going to stop at their house later but it worked out so perfect! We both thought it was super funny :)

2. While Pulling into Walmart, a homeless man sat on the edge of the road simply giving everyone who past a smile and a thumbs up...I admire how he wanted to put a smile on peoples' faces even when his circumstances were not perfect. He didn't care a sign about giving him money, he simply gave people a smile for their day. How thoughtful...

3. Random happy moment! I was able to pay for all of my college supplies that we got from Walmart with my own money! I felt very adult-like and self sufficient :) Tis good to provide for my own needs.

4. We stopped to get gas after that and as I ran in to pay, the cashier greeted me excitedly and genuinely seemed happy to assist me. I love people like that.

If one must have a job, have fun doing it!!!

5. Lastly we stopped at the mall to return a few clothes that didn't work. First I was able to talk to a girl in Old Navy who seemed interested to know more about my Herbalife business and what I do :) That was super happy. And then as we walked past the Pretzel shop my mother and I both started craving one little pretzel we walked up to the counter and asked the man if we could buy one pretzel bite for a quarter. (We had zero cash with us haha). Quote: "How about this? I grab a size small container, fill it...and call it good! Would you like sauce with that?"

Both my mom and I just were like, "Really?!". That guy blessed our life because he was kind enough to give us a random act of service. It wont happen every time, but he sure made our day :)

This also teaches the power of ASKING! It's a magical concept :)

6. Oh! And one last hoorah for the day. In JC Penny, we found a fantastic sale on these really! cute winter coats. I don't remember if I have ever owned a brand new coat but now I have one :) And then I found a super cute grey sweater that I loved and the lady at the desk, Karma, gave us a $20 discount. Which means I got that sweater for free....Happy day! 

So BAsically Today was a very great day spent with my mom and Many happy moments occurred. Make someone's day by smiling! Make someone's day by serving. And have fun doing it!

That is all :)


  1. I am going to post a couple pics with this post but I thought I would put out what I had first and then put pics when I was next able :)

  2. That does sound like an awesome day! :)
