Friday, September 12, 2014

Thought For the Day

Well, a little bit fuzzy but I painted this way back I believe my Freshman year in High School. Out of all my paintings, I still love this one the most. The meaning behind it is amazing :)

There is always another Sunrise.

The grave stone represents all of the pain we go through, all the disapointments, and all of the heartbreak.

The willow tree well, it has gone through a lot. That can be Us. 

And the sunrise is Christ. The gospel, hope, new beginnings. And Even when there are clouds covering the whole sky, The Son will keep rising every morning with out fail.

It will get dark, the wind will blow, someone you love may die. 

But the Son will keep on rising in the East, every morning.

Take a Deep Breath

And Look to the Son. Let it warm your skin and ease your Pain. Because He will. 

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