Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Live Like You Were Dying

For my online Entrepreneur class our teacher had us write out a list of 50 things we want to do before we die. After I hit the 20 range, it got a lot harder...then when I finally reached 50, I added 10 more!

60 things to do before I die :) Super happy thing :) I would encourage every single one of you to write out a list of dreams you have and talents you want to develop and goals for your future. Make a list and then start WORKING on them!

A quote I love, "'Someday' never comes". It really doesn't.

It's got to be now!
If you need help thinking of things for your list, check out this music video. It's very inspiring.

Live Like You Were Dying - The Bucket List (Music Video), on Youtube.

I'm not going to share my whole list but I will mention a few of them :)

Become a Millionaire
 Ride in a hot air balloon
 Become an inspirational speaker
 Help others reach their wellness goals
Marry in the Temple
    Serve a LDS mission
Go to Ecuador on a service trip
 Publish a book
 Travel and visit India
Backpack through Wales
Always have time for my family
 Be an effective Wellness Coach
  Be free of allergies
  Own a goldfish (that doesn’t die the next day)
  Smile at a random stranger everyday
   Teach my children to love Christ
 Learn to play the cello
 Perform in the BYUI symphony with my flute
   Go dancing on a regular basis with my husband
   Become fairly great at clogging
  Learn archery with a real bow J
Paint a picture at least once a month
  Go on an African safari
  Ride the world’s largest Zip line
Own an exotic animal
   Skydiving? Only if my husband comes too
   Adopt a little girl-Sarah
Love life every day

The POINT is, Don't be afraid to DREAM! It is soo much fun, and once written down...who knows what will happen! :) Now you can go out and Create your life. and have fun :)

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