Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Live Like You Were Dying

For my online Entrepreneur class our teacher had us write out a list of 50 things we want to do before we die. After I hit the 20 range, it got a lot harder...then when I finally reached 50, I added 10 more!

60 things to do before I die :) Super happy thing :) I would encourage every single one of you to write out a list of dreams you have and talents you want to develop and goals for your future. Make a list and then start WORKING on them!

A quote I love, "'Someday' never comes". It really doesn't.

It's got to be now!
If you need help thinking of things for your list, check out this music video. It's very inspiring.

Live Like You Were Dying - The Bucket List (Music Video), on Youtube.

I'm not going to share my whole list but I will mention a few of them :)

Become a Millionaire
 Ride in a hot air balloon
 Become an inspirational speaker
 Help others reach their wellness goals
Marry in the Temple
    Serve a LDS mission
Go to Ecuador on a service trip
 Publish a book
 Travel and visit India
Backpack through Wales
Always have time for my family
 Be an effective Wellness Coach
  Be free of allergies
  Own a goldfish (that doesn’t die the next day)
  Smile at a random stranger everyday
   Teach my children to love Christ
 Learn to play the cello
 Perform in the BYUI symphony with my flute
   Go dancing on a regular basis with my husband
   Become fairly great at clogging
  Learn archery with a real bow J
Paint a picture at least once a month
  Go on an African safari
  Ride the world’s largest Zip line
Own an exotic animal
   Skydiving? Only if my husband comes too
   Adopt a little girl-Sarah
Love life every day

The POINT is, Don't be afraid to DREAM! It is soo much fun, and once written down...who knows what will happen! :) Now you can go out and Create your life. and have fun :)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Day!

I love random acts of Kindness! :) Today My Mother and I spent the day packing up my room and then shopping for my college supplies. It was very exciting for me to buy my very own blender and bowl set and dishtowels! I felt very grown up ;)
Well during the course of the day we got to experience happy moments! YAY!!!

1. Coincidentally we stopped at a Bank that we never go to, at a time that we were not planning on and there, walking out were two friends that I actually had a delivery of clothes for! We were going to stop at their house later but it worked out so perfect! We both thought it was super funny :)

2. While Pulling into Walmart, a homeless man sat on the edge of the road simply giving everyone who past a smile and a thumbs up...I admire how he wanted to put a smile on peoples' faces even when his circumstances were not perfect. He didn't care a sign about giving him money, he simply gave people a smile for their day. How thoughtful...

3. Random happy moment! I was able to pay for all of my college supplies that we got from Walmart with my own money! I felt very adult-like and self sufficient :) Tis good to provide for my own needs.

4. We stopped to get gas after that and as I ran in to pay, the cashier greeted me excitedly and genuinely seemed happy to assist me. I love people like that.

If one must have a job, have fun doing it!!!

5. Lastly we stopped at the mall to return a few clothes that didn't work. First I was able to talk to a girl in Old Navy who seemed interested to know more about my Herbalife business and what I do :) That was super happy. And then as we walked past the Pretzel shop my mother and I both started craving one little pretzel we walked up to the counter and asked the man if we could buy one pretzel bite for a quarter. (We had zero cash with us haha). Quote: "How about this? I grab a size small container, fill it...and call it good! Would you like sauce with that?"

Both my mom and I just were like, "Really?!". That guy blessed our life because he was kind enough to give us a random act of service. It wont happen every time, but he sure made our day :)

This also teaches the power of ASKING! It's a magical concept :)

6. Oh! And one last hoorah for the day. In JC Penny, we found a fantastic sale on these really! cute winter coats. I don't remember if I have ever owned a brand new coat but now I have one :) And then I found a super cute grey sweater that I loved and the lady at the desk, Karma, gave us a $20 discount. Which means I got that sweater for free....Happy day! 

So BAsically Today was a very great day spent with my mom and Many happy moments occurred. Make someone's day by smiling! Make someone's day by serving. And have fun doing it!

That is all :)

Thought For the Day

Well, a little bit fuzzy but I painted this way back I believe my Freshman year in High School. Out of all my paintings, I still love this one the most. The meaning behind it is amazing :)

There is always another Sunrise.

The grave stone represents all of the pain we go through, all the disapointments, and all of the heartbreak.

The willow tree well, it has gone through a lot. That can be Us. 

And the sunrise is Christ. The gospel, hope, new beginnings. And Even when there are clouds covering the whole sky, The Son will keep rising every morning with out fail.

It will get dark, the wind will blow, someone you love may die. 

But the Son will keep on rising in the East, every morning.

Take a Deep Breath

And Look to the Son. Let it warm your skin and ease your Pain. Because He will. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Christ is the 'Author and Finisher of my faith'1. The one who carries me when I can't seem to walk any longer...He is there! Do you know how much this means to me? It means the world...

He knows me perfectly.
He knows what I need to go through in Life to help me grow...
He knows that I struggle, He Loves me anyway...
Sometimes He lets me struggle, so that I can come out on top
So I can believe and TRUST in Him!

He is Perfect.
Even if the whole world is a mess, He is my Anchor!
My Rock.
My Brother,
My Friend,
My Merciful Savior...

I couldn't have gotten here without Him.
Where is Here?
Me. Faith. Alive. Love. Living. Family. Friends. Trials...
Everything I go through, and experience is Here.
It makes Me who I am!

He is the Finisher of my Faith.
In Him will I never doubt,
Because He is PERFECT!
I know in Him I can Trust.
Thank Goodness that He is there...
For Everyone.

Even You.
He will always be there, Waiting for you to reach out
And He will grab your hand.
Use a particle of Faith if you need to,
And reach out.
Catch His hand and let Him Carry YOU.

He Loves You...He Loves Me...And He is There.
Of This I know.

1.  Moroni 6:4

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Faith is an Anchor

Ether Chapter 12 (From the Book of Mormon)

The prophet Moroni talks a bit about faith. Moroni starts in verse 6 where he says that the people would not listen to the prophets because they "saw them not". Meaning that they didn't believe the warnings because they didn't see the signs. They refused to believe because they did not have faith.

Faith is things hoped for and not seen. Moroni says we recieve no witness till AFTER the trial of our faith. If we have Faith that Christ will help us through a trial, we have to be willing to go through it. Sometimes we are allowed to suffer for a time, till our faith is tried and then Christ will step in and help us.

If we need an answer to a prayer, we have to show our faith by praying and actively seeking answers. It says in Ether 12:4 that Faith is an anchor, that keeps us steady in the storms. Faith brings hope, and when there is hope there is light. Then with that light we are able to see past the storm clouds into our Loving Heavenly Father's eyes. He is watching us, He knows us, and He wants to help. By showing our faith, we tell Him that we are ready to rely on Him. That we trust Him.

Verse 18 Says that First, we need to believe in the Son of God. Believe in Him and He will make Himself manifest in your life. In Alma 32 verse 27, Alma the Prophet teaches that if your faith is still weak and small, if you only have the DESIRE to believe, that is enough. Let your desire grow till it becomes faith and then Christ will teach you and support you as you go through life.

The seed is your desire. It really wants to grow into faith but it's kind of scared...So it gently pokes its tiny head out of the soil. It feels the Light and receives the water and it shoots up into the world. It has grown into Faith. Now if we keep feeding this little sprout, keep taking care of it so it doesn't wither, it will grow stronger and stronger till one KNOW. You not only Believe in Christ, but you KNOW He is there and He Loves YOU! 

You have become a beautiful Tree. And Heavenly Father and Christ know your struggles and know about your journey to grow your faith. They love you! Isn't that wonderful?! So please, don't be afraid to grow your faith. Take a leap and Christ will catch you! I promise. I know He is real and He is waiting to hear from YOU, so he can help you. I know that He is there.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cloudy Skies...

Time for a Daily Observation!!

I looove taking pictures of sunsets :) It is my favorite thing to capture with my camera. I realized the other day that the most beautiful sunsets I have seen are the ones with clouds...
When you throw in a few clouds, the sky turns fiery colors of orange, pink, and purple :)

I decided to apply this thought to life in general. I realized that without hardships and "Storms" in life, we wouldn't be able to appriciate the good things in life.

 Without the is kinda like this:

Granted the sky is still beautiful, but take a look at how these next picutres look so much more glorious when a few clouds are thrown into the mix....

You see, the challenges and struggles that we are faced in life are there for a reason. They help us become the person that God sees in us. A person that we may not be able to see right this minute, but through time...We can become glorious! Our trials make us more beautiful :) They help us become strong. They give us the experiences we need to help others come to recognize their beauty. 

Please remember to be patient through the storms...they create beautiful sunsets!!