Saturday, July 30, 2016

Let Yourself Feel

Life is beautiful. Pain is beautiful. New experiences bring new joys, and shape us as a human being. All of our experiences just shape us into the beautiful, inticate, deep, complex creatures that we are.
Can you imagine what we would be if we didnt go through pain, sorrows and joys? Well, we would be flat. Bland. Lifeless.

I just got to say, if we try to close ourselves off to emotions and feelings, we lose that part of us that makes us human...
Some feelings are not happy, some are just so painful, but if we cut off our emotions, if we stopped feeling, stop caring, we stop being human. Every emotion we have, the anger, fear, pain, joy, happiness, pride...are what makes us human and beautiful. Being open here, when I go through something that triggers pain, I either embrace it, or I shut it off, so I dont have to feel. Same goes with feelings of joy, if I have shut off my feelings, I dont laugh out loud, I dont smile because the sun is out, I stop feeling even the good feelings. I become a flat, emotionless human. I lose that precious part of me that makes me Me!
 I know this is rambling, but I want you to know that your emotions are a gift to the world, and if you hold them back, try to stifle your emotions, joys and pains, the world misses out on your sparkle. We lose out on your precious contribution to life. Your pains and joys are a gift to you and to others.

So, let yourself feel again. Let yourself feel the wind on your skin, let yourself feel the warmth of the sun, the ach in your cheeks from smiling too long :) laugh out loud! It is ok to feel.
-Inspire True You

Monday, May 9, 2016

Wanted to Write a Post

Not sure what I am going to write about. Laughing is wonderful therapy. My husband and I laugh a lot. Sometimes when I am in a not so happy mood, he will just tickle me until I can't hold back my snorts lol
Laughing is important. So is crying. They both release powerful emotions. Crying helps you release pain, pain that needs to be acknowledged. Pain desires to feel important, because it is. But not to be buried or wallowed in. So, this is where crying helps. Crying shows that you recognize the pain, and then helps it to heal through the cleansing power of tears.

I did not know I was going to write about this! haha Well, what I want to convey to you is that all of your emotions are ok to feel. They need to be acknowledged. And then once you have felt them, move forward. After you have cried, take the time you need, but not too long, because if you take too long, you might get stuck. I got stuck once, and it was hard to get out of. I forgot how to laugh, and to truly feel joy. So, don't get stuck. But if you do, find someone who can teach you how to laugh again.

Teach yourself how to laugh again. It is a powerful thing. Laugh, and cry, because Life is a beautiful canvas of lights and darks. A symphony. A thunderstorm. A spring day. Life is all of it.

-Live Life Full On

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Month Anniversary of our Wedding Day

A month ago today, I made a promise to a man. A promise to love him, to cherish him, to love him unconditionally as the Savior would. To be his companion, his other half, he support system, his Best Friend <3
This month has gone so fast, but I love him as much as I did that day and maybe even more so. Marrying this guy was the best thing I ever did. He is perfect for me, not perfect, but perfect FOR ME. I love him and I know that he loves me. I choose him, every day, and by choosing him everyday, that is how we will last a year, 10 years, 50 years, a Lifetime, Eternity. 

Living Life Full On in my marriage means that I consciously choose to love this man that I said yes to, and then working everyday to show him my love. By both of us committing to falling in love everyday, we can have the best marriage we could ever have! 

For those who have more marriage years, what makes a marriage wonderful and work? Ideas?

Monday, April 18, 2016


Each of us has a masterpiece inside us. Do you believe that?

Have you ever had a dream, a thought, a desire that was so big it scared you? So scary you tried to push it away and forget that desire ever entered your heart?
That is YOUR masterpiece, one that each of us has that needs to come out.

I felt that the other day. I saw a vision in my head, of something beautiful, something I had created. My heart hurt, it yearned for that, to create it, bring it into being. My heart's desire was big, it was bold, and it was scary...

I have a painting inside of me, a MASTERPIECE. I have done other paintings but nothing compared to the Masterpiece my heart saw. It will be stunning, awe inspiring. People will stop and stare at the beauty. My Masterpiece is Breathtaking.

But I am scared. Scared at my inability to recreate it on canvas, scared that when I start, it wont come out as I imagine. But it's there, I know it is there or else my heart wouldn't yearn for it so much.

I believe that each of us has a masterpiece inside, it doesn't have to be art, or music, or writing, it is YOUR masterpiece. YOU decide what it will be.

CHALLENGE:When you feel that burning desire inside you, follow it, and call it into being. The World needs it.

Friday, January 1, 2016


A lot has happened this year....a lot of very big life changing things. I never pictured my year would be like this.

2015. Miracles. Angels. Limitless. Love. Family. 

The death of a close friend. Myself (almost) becoming a missionary. My last semester as a student at BYUI. Applying of a new school. Attending my first Limitless Seminar. Switching companies. Getting Engaged. Months of depression. Months of self-discovery, introspection, reevaluating, falling down, getting back up again.

I would call this year my biggest learning year up to this point. A lot of pain, a lot of joy, and a LOT of new experiences. I found my Best Friend, my Forever Love, and my Partner in crime :) Because of him, I have made it through this year haha I love him with all my heart so I would say every trial up till now has been worth it; it led me to finding the Love of my life!

After my Friend died, I took about 3 months to get back into life. I spent a lot of time alone. I spent a lot of time crying. I struggled, I felt very alone. I felt hurt and confused. But I realized that I was the one who brought those feelings to me. I had isolated myself, thrown up walls around my heart and basically shut out God for a while.

I feel out of the habit of talking to God, allowing Him to heal me, to comfort me, to speak to me. I am working on building up my relationship with Him again, but once out of the habit, its been tough getting back in it.

I am slowing chiseling away the walls, starting to feel warmth hitting my heart again. 

One of the biggest things I learned this year is, I CAN'T go it alone. And I most certainly can't go it without my God to support me, for He knows best and knows all. And He loves me.

When I feel most alone, it is because I have distanced myself from God. I don't want to ever feel that alone again. 

So I am making a Commitment for 2016, I commit to connecting with God every day. To unconditionally love others, especially my amazing future husband. 2016 will be filled with Miracles, with Connection, and with Love :)

-Live Life Full On