Saturday, July 30, 2016

Let Yourself Feel

Life is beautiful. Pain is beautiful. New experiences bring new joys, and shape us as a human being. All of our experiences just shape us into the beautiful, inticate, deep, complex creatures that we are.
Can you imagine what we would be if we didnt go through pain, sorrows and joys? Well, we would be flat. Bland. Lifeless.

I just got to say, if we try to close ourselves off to emotions and feelings, we lose that part of us that makes us human...
Some feelings are not happy, some are just so painful, but if we cut off our emotions, if we stopped feeling, stop caring, we stop being human. Every emotion we have, the anger, fear, pain, joy, happiness, pride...are what makes us human and beautiful. Being open here, when I go through something that triggers pain, I either embrace it, or I shut it off, so I dont have to feel. Same goes with feelings of joy, if I have shut off my feelings, I dont laugh out loud, I dont smile because the sun is out, I stop feeling even the good feelings. I become a flat, emotionless human. I lose that precious part of me that makes me Me!
 I know this is rambling, but I want you to know that your emotions are a gift to the world, and if you hold them back, try to stifle your emotions, joys and pains, the world misses out on your sparkle. We lose out on your precious contribution to life. Your pains and joys are a gift to you and to others.

So, let yourself feel again. Let yourself feel the wind on your skin, let yourself feel the warmth of the sun, the ach in your cheeks from smiling too long :) laugh out loud! It is ok to feel.
-Inspire True You

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