Monday, April 18, 2016


Each of us has a masterpiece inside us. Do you believe that?

Have you ever had a dream, a thought, a desire that was so big it scared you? So scary you tried to push it away and forget that desire ever entered your heart?
That is YOUR masterpiece, one that each of us has that needs to come out.

I felt that the other day. I saw a vision in my head, of something beautiful, something I had created. My heart hurt, it yearned for that, to create it, bring it into being. My heart's desire was big, it was bold, and it was scary...

I have a painting inside of me, a MASTERPIECE. I have done other paintings but nothing compared to the Masterpiece my heart saw. It will be stunning, awe inspiring. People will stop and stare at the beauty. My Masterpiece is Breathtaking.

But I am scared. Scared at my inability to recreate it on canvas, scared that when I start, it wont come out as I imagine. But it's there, I know it is there or else my heart wouldn't yearn for it so much.

I believe that each of us has a masterpiece inside, it doesn't have to be art, or music, or writing, it is YOUR masterpiece. YOU decide what it will be.

CHALLENGE:When you feel that burning desire inside you, follow it, and call it into being. The World needs it.

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