Friday, January 1, 2016


A lot has happened this year....a lot of very big life changing things. I never pictured my year would be like this.

2015. Miracles. Angels. Limitless. Love. Family. 

The death of a close friend. Myself (almost) becoming a missionary. My last semester as a student at BYUI. Applying of a new school. Attending my first Limitless Seminar. Switching companies. Getting Engaged. Months of depression. Months of self-discovery, introspection, reevaluating, falling down, getting back up again.

I would call this year my biggest learning year up to this point. A lot of pain, a lot of joy, and a LOT of new experiences. I found my Best Friend, my Forever Love, and my Partner in crime :) Because of him, I have made it through this year haha I love him with all my heart so I would say every trial up till now has been worth it; it led me to finding the Love of my life!

After my Friend died, I took about 3 months to get back into life. I spent a lot of time alone. I spent a lot of time crying. I struggled, I felt very alone. I felt hurt and confused. But I realized that I was the one who brought those feelings to me. I had isolated myself, thrown up walls around my heart and basically shut out God for a while.

I feel out of the habit of talking to God, allowing Him to heal me, to comfort me, to speak to me. I am working on building up my relationship with Him again, but once out of the habit, its been tough getting back in it.

I am slowing chiseling away the walls, starting to feel warmth hitting my heart again. 

One of the biggest things I learned this year is, I CAN'T go it alone. And I most certainly can't go it without my God to support me, for He knows best and knows all. And He loves me.

When I feel most alone, it is because I have distanced myself from God. I don't want to ever feel that alone again. 

So I am making a Commitment for 2016, I commit to connecting with God every day. To unconditionally love others, especially my amazing future husband. 2016 will be filled with Miracles, with Connection, and with Love :)

-Live Life Full On

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