Tuesday, April 7, 2015

If You aren't Learning, You aren't Living!

Learning is an essential part of Life. FACT.

Personal Development is something I feel very strongly about. I looove reading Personal development books :)

Yes, I love myself for where I am, and because I love myself, I want to continue learning and growing because I know my potential! 

I love how far I have come in the last couple years, with my business, my family and relationships, and my Faith. I also know that I can continue growing those areas because there is always room for improvement :) 
Right now I am reading a book called The Continuous Atonement-for teens by Brad Wilcox to improve my spiritual life.

I am also reading a book called Think and Grow Rich, so that I can grow my business more effectively.

 I also recently bought a book about How to start conversations and make friends. Not sure the exact title but something like that, so I can work with people better! :)

 Challenge for you!! Decide today to begin working on an area of your life you wish to improve and DO IT! Pick a book, and read it :) Learn from a mentor, study a topic. Endless options!! 

Live Life Full On =)

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