Monday, January 26, 2015

Interrupting the Pattern...

I went to an incredible training seminar in Las Vegas this weekend with my Herbalife Team. I was soo blown away!! We got to be taught for 2 1/2 hrs from Joseph McClinton III. If you don't know this guy, look him up!!!! SSOOOO amazing!

He taught us how to fill our lives with positive things, how to be happy, successful and just going for life!

So I am going to teach you how to do a very easy trick. It's pretty fun...

1. We all get stuck in a pattern of negativity, idleness, or downerness.. McClinton says that when we interrupt that pattern it creates a blank spot in your brain and YOU get to chose what to fill it with!
2. So, take a moment to think of something that brings you down, doesn't matter what. Think about that for a minute.
3. STOP, Jump up and shout "YES!" while you throw your fist in the air.
4. Raise one arm all the way up and with the other, jump up and give yourself a high five.
5. then, While grinning, pat your self on the back.

6.....REPEAT this process ten times in a row, but progressively get faster!


You will feel dorky doing it, don't's part of the fun! :)

You may notice that the longer you do it, the harder it is to find something to be sad about!

Joseph gave us this challenge, and now I give it to you, in honor of his wish that we Pay It Forward.

CHALLENGE:Every 2 Hours for the next 10 Days, repeat this process.

He says that Personal Development is doing and being who we want to become OVER and OVER again, until it becomes a habit.
So let us all work on becoming the positive happy individuals we were created to become. Go out and Have FUN! 

P.S. Sound effects are welcome and appreciated tehe