Monday, January 26, 2015

Interrupting the Pattern...

I went to an incredible training seminar in Las Vegas this weekend with my Herbalife Team. I was soo blown away!! We got to be taught for 2 1/2 hrs from Joseph McClinton III. If you don't know this guy, look him up!!!! SSOOOO amazing!

He taught us how to fill our lives with positive things, how to be happy, successful and just going for life!

So I am going to teach you how to do a very easy trick. It's pretty fun...

1. We all get stuck in a pattern of negativity, idleness, or downerness.. McClinton says that when we interrupt that pattern it creates a blank spot in your brain and YOU get to chose what to fill it with!
2. So, take a moment to think of something that brings you down, doesn't matter what. Think about that for a minute.
3. STOP, Jump up and shout "YES!" while you throw your fist in the air.
4. Raise one arm all the way up and with the other, jump up and give yourself a high five.
5. then, While grinning, pat your self on the back.

6.....REPEAT this process ten times in a row, but progressively get faster!


You will feel dorky doing it, don't's part of the fun! :)

You may notice that the longer you do it, the harder it is to find something to be sad about!

Joseph gave us this challenge, and now I give it to you, in honor of his wish that we Pay It Forward.

CHALLENGE:Every 2 Hours for the next 10 Days, repeat this process.

He says that Personal Development is doing and being who we want to become OVER and OVER again, until it becomes a habit.
So let us all work on becoming the positive happy individuals we were created to become. Go out and Have FUN! 

P.S. Sound effects are welcome and appreciated tehe

Friday, January 9, 2015

Thought of the Day- Family Time

Part of living life full on is learning to appreciate your family. I have been away at school for awhile so i made it a goal that i would take time to spend with my family members. I have also been calling my siblings more often :)

This is Hannah and I's moon sand masterpiece. We are very proud of it )

Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's Talk about the Atonement

One of the most important things one can do to live life full on is to use the Atonement in one's life so that you can be at peace. It is hard to live life to the fullest when you are not at peace.

Here are some quotes I found while reading about the atonement, they are from Elder Theodore Burton's Talk, "The Meaning of Repentance":

“If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.” (Ezek.33:15.)

Learning from the Saviors Example...
Before this experience, he had always had ready communication with his Father. But now he was left alone to carry the burden of the world’s sins. It was as if the heavens over his head were made of brass and he couldn’t get through!
As he struggled in prayer and suffered horribly under the strain, he asked that the cup might pass and that some other path might be found. It is true that he added the words, “Thy will be done,” but there was no answer to his request, and his soul continued to be filled with anguish.
Three times he pleaded for release, and all three times the answer was the same. (See Matt. 26:36–44.)
Yet Christ had fully committed himself to do what he had been appointed to do. He was willing, and he went forward! Though it cost him tremendous suffering, he had made up his mind and committed himself to be obedient in every particular, regardless of the cost.

  • As we become fully engaged in good causes, sin will no longer be such a great temptation for us.
  • How do we know if a man or a woman has repented of his or her sins? The Lord answers that question in the next verse: “By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.” (D&C 58:42–43.)
  • He loves and understands us and is sympathetic to the fact that we face temptations.
"To those who understand its true meaning, repentance is a beautiful word and a marvelous refuge."

Now, What I learned from this quotes is that even Christ, the Son of God, had to go through tremendous trials! In the Garden, he had to know what it felt like to be alone, with out the Holy Spirit to comfort him, so that He would better understand what we would need to go through.

I always thought of Repentance as a long hard and painful process. Yes it can be painful, but what JOY is felt afterwards!!

I felt so in the dark for a month or so now...but as I have talked to my bishop and learned how the Atonement works, I feel alive. I feel loved. And I know that My Savior was waiting for me to reach for Him the whole time!

For a while, I gave into Satan's lies that I was not worth anything, that I did not have the right to pray to my Heavenly Father...I hated myself. :/  I stopped praying and reading my scriptures because I thought it would be easier than facing him.

Believe me when I say, It made life so much harder and more desparing...I hurt inside. I felt alone. I felt trapped and I hated myself. This is what SATAN wants! He never wants me to be happy.

So once I chose to believe that I was worth something, good things started happening. It became easier to smile. There is more light in my life. I am more motivated and I feel God's Love for me.

I'm still working on building my relationship with Christ, but life is getting better because of it.

If you have not read "The Miracle of Forgiveness" by Pres. Spencer W. Kimball, I would suggest you do. It expands on the Atonement at a much deeper level than I ever could. 

I know that the Atonement is for anyone and everyone who has sinned, who needs burdens lifted, comfort, anything. God loves you. Christ loves you, that is why he died on the Cross and rose again for you.