Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I love happy people!! :)

I made a new friend today :)
His name is Joey.
He works at Shake Out in Rexburg.
Actually he is the manager there. But he is awesome.
I was in a mood to take myself on a date all by myself with a book and a strawberry shake (delicious) tonight. So I did. I was there for two and a half hours...but an hour of it was just spent chatting with Joey. I really didn't want to go home and do homework. So I was loitering...

Anywho! Since no one was coming in, he just talked to me and he even gave me a free hot chocolate!! :) that was very nice of him :).

So the point is, the reason I chatted with him for so long is because he is a genuinely happy person. I could tell He truly loved what he was doing. HE was super fun to observe as I ate my shake because he was very good at what he did and he had awesome customer service! He was friendly, talkative and had fun! I love meeting people who can have fun and be truly happy wherever they are. He told me as we were talking that the reason that he could be so happy with life is because he knows what it is like to live in the dark. To have no light or friends to care about you, and because of this, he appreciates what he has and He Lives Life to the Fullest! :D

That is all for today!

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