Monday, May 9, 2016

Wanted to Write a Post

Not sure what I am going to write about. Laughing is wonderful therapy. My husband and I laugh a lot. Sometimes when I am in a not so happy mood, he will just tickle me until I can't hold back my snorts lol
Laughing is important. So is crying. They both release powerful emotions. Crying helps you release pain, pain that needs to be acknowledged. Pain desires to feel important, because it is. But not to be buried or wallowed in. So, this is where crying helps. Crying shows that you recognize the pain, and then helps it to heal through the cleansing power of tears.

I did not know I was going to write about this! haha Well, what I want to convey to you is that all of your emotions are ok to feel. They need to be acknowledged. And then once you have felt them, move forward. After you have cried, take the time you need, but not too long, because if you take too long, you might get stuck. I got stuck once, and it was hard to get out of. I forgot how to laugh, and to truly feel joy. So, don't get stuck. But if you do, find someone who can teach you how to laugh again.

Teach yourself how to laugh again. It is a powerful thing. Laugh, and cry, because Life is a beautiful canvas of lights and darks. A symphony. A thunderstorm. A spring day. Life is all of it.

-Live Life Full On