Thursday, July 30, 2015

Balancing Everything?

I came across this tree on my walk today. I found it interesting how half of it was perfectly green and the other half was completely dead!
It got me thinking about my own life and wondering if my life was staying balanced or if I was keeping one part green while other parts were dying...

How often do you take an inventory of your life and examine whether you could be spending more time in areas that may be neglected. We have a lot of areas: Work, education, family, friends, spiritual, physical, mental, others! How are you doing?

For me, I am doing better than I ever have with my physical health, although I am still trying to figure out why I'm not sleeping well. For my education and mental health, I have been attending college and sometimes I will pick up a personal development book. I also recently started a classic called Girl of the Limberlost. My emotional health has been quite an adventure trying to figure out. I find that if I keep a journal and do hobbies occasionally then I feel more emotionally stable. I am working on that one. I have been trying to keep in better contact with my family and stay involved in their lives, and I realized that I really love my family! Imagine that! Friends, well, not sure about that subject at the moment.
So, my point is YOU need to take an inventory of your life. Just check in and ask yourself, "How am I doing?" and then listen for a response.
Do you want a beautiful, green tree, or a dying one?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

This is a momentous occasion in history....Starting at 18:05 mins for the 1.5 mile run at the start of the semester....ending with 13:53 mins. at the end of the semester!!!
My goal was 15 mins...and I beat it! I have never been a runner but I feel awesome! Thank you Herbalife, my clogging class 3x per week, and motivation! I feel soo PROUD of myself!!

grin emoticon