Monday, November 24, 2014

My new niece Rebecca Anne! Isn't she the most precious little thing you have ever seen?! She is perfect. If I were to rate her from 1 to 10, there would be no way that she would be any less than a 10.

My thought is, if we are all born a 10 then why do we feel like we are not 10s? My thought is that we are all born 10s and we will all die 10s. That fact will never change. I think that our actions and what we do may not always be a 10 but us as a human being and child of God is always going to be a 10. God sees us all as 10s, He loves us completely.

That is my thought for the day. YOU ARE A 10!

Friday, November 14, 2014

All We Need is Love...ha!

Rant Time!

Who ever came up with the phrase "All we need is Love" is missing a big chunk of the picture. In regards to relationships, we need a whole lot more than just love to make them work!!

I haven't been in too many of them, maybe only one or two...but I have observed and learned a lot from my four married siblings and my parents to know a thing or two. Relationships are hard! Love is an essential thing ofcourse! But it takes so much more..

1. Loyalty and Commitment
-Choose your love, Love your choice

2. Common Values and Beliefs

3. Common Goals

4. Fun!

5. Love and Romance :) Yes, This is a must.

6. Respect

Who ever said 'Love is all we need' wasn't thinking very far in the future apparently. If Love is all you have, it might not last that long...Because it takes Work! 

Simple Joys

There are a lot of simple joys in my life when Jacob is around...this is one of them! <3